Mr. Sitpasu Thongsuk is one of five finalists for the 2011 face of future competition. He is a young local entrepreneur and original Samui, has set his sights on sustainable tourism. The past of the island of Samui memory inspired him to bring his knowledge and experience to develop his study in his home town. With his faith and conscience, deliberately agricultural economy is based on the philosophy of His Majesty the sufficiency of the th period to run its investment applied. Hebrought Fair House Resort & Spa Award of Excellence from TAT, ASEAN Green Hotel Award and LeafGreen standards at international level. He also played an important role as developer of The Green Foundation Iceland, Koh Samui. The future of the tourism sector is a revolutionary, not only knowledge but also intergrate all the factors that have a positive impact on society, that Mr. Sitpasu can form their own skills and make interaction with the local population was very well done .